SEN Fun Pool Swimming Online Booking

The first Saturday of the month the 09:30-11:00 swim session is an SEN session with no music, waves or pool features
running in the Fun Pool area.
Please note this session is term time only.
We do our best to minimise sudden noises but please be advised there may still be whistle blows and tannoy announcements during this session as these are essential for pool safety and operation.
All sessions will be banded with a coloured wristband - this can be worn by the parent/carer if it is a sensory concern.
Prices are as normal according to our price list and are per session. Our prices can be viewed on our Prices and Memberships page.
Please see important information regarding using our pool and pool ratios below before booking.
To book a session click the orange button and search for the first Saturday of the month where you will see the SEN session as an option. If you have any questions please call 01323 738822 or email
Gym, Swim and Swimming Lessons members still must book a place but this can be done for free by putting your member number in the appropriate ticket section. Your member number is not the barcode number on the back of your card, it is a separate number. If you do not know your member number please contact reception on 01323738822 or email
Pool Ratio for Swimming with Children
Please note if you are planning to visit the pool with children we operate safe pool ratios. The pool ratio for our SEN session is as per our Family Swim Session.
Family Swim Session - Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult on a maximum of a 2:1 ratio, we advise that they wear approved buoyancy aids.
Arrival Information and centre use guidelines
We kindly request that you do not come to the centre if you feel unwell with any Covid-19 symptoms.
We recommend arriving swim ready with your costume on under your clothing to speed the process of entry to the pool. We kindly request that you do shower before entering the pool.
Please use the lockers provided which are 20p non refundable for your belongings, and do not leave anything unattended on the tables.
If you are spectating you do not need to book in advance. There is a spectators fee which can be paid on entrance.
Babies must wear appropriate swim nappies.
Please follow our suitable swim wear guidance, family session ratio policy and Covid 19 guidance for using our centre which can be found on our FAQ page.
The Sovereign Centre has a zero tolerance approach to verbal and physical behaviour. Any unacceptable behaviour will be taken very seriously and may result in the immediate ejection from the centre.
Please note that photography and the recording of still and moving images of any kind is only allowed with the written authorisation of the centre management.
Inform a lifeguard if you have any medical condition we should know about, and do not swim if you are feeling unwell.
If you or your child has had diarrhoea in the last 14 days, please do not use the swimming pool.
If you or your child has vomited in the last 24 hour, has a tummy upset or is suffering with a cold or virus, then please do not use the swimming pool.
Please follow the guidance of the lifeguards at all times.
For full information on using our centre please visit our FAQ page