Baby and Preschool Swimming Lessons
Discovery Ducklings
The last swimming lesson before Christmas is 22nd December.
Lessons return 6th January.
The Sovereign Centre's Learn to Swim Programme follows the Swim England Pathway. Our lessons ensure all swimmers are supported, whatever their ability. From their first splash through to club level swimming.
Learn to Swim Pathway
Discovery Ducklings 1-4
Preschoolers will move through Duckling Stages 1-4 with skills and age progression. Ducklings 1-3 require an adult in the water and in Duckling 4 preschoolers attend their lesson alone for the first time.
Once children reach school age they will enter the learn to swim programme, starting with Stage 1.
Swimming Lessons are available 50 weeks of the year and payable by a monthly direct debit of £27 per month.
Swimming Lessons are now open for bookings!
Please contact reception to book your child's place 01323 738822
Swimming Lessons Timetable
Please see our swimming lessons timetable below or click to download a copy.
Please note we are currently making changes to our timetable so classes may vary from the below. A new timetable will be published shortly.